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The predictive value of point-of-care ultrasonography versus magnetic resonance imaging in assessing medial meniscal tears in patients with acute knee injury
Omid Ahmadi, Mehdi Motififard, Farhad Heydari, Saeed Hatami, Azita Azimi Meibody
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2024;11(2):188-194.   Published online January 29, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.23.111
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Trauma, Public Health & Policy
Characteristics of fall-from-height patients: a retrospective comparison of jumpers and fallers using a multi-institutional registry
Jinhae Jun, Ji Hwan Lee, Juhee Han, Sun Hyu Kim, Sunpyo Kim, Gyu Chong Cho, Eun Jung Park, Duk Hee Lee, Ju Young Hong, Min Joung Kim
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2024;11(1):79-87.   Published online November 29, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.23.074
Injury & Prevention
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of injuries in agricultural and nonagricultural workers visiting the emergency department: a propensity-matched analysis
Jong Yeon Kang, Sung Wook Song, Hansol Hong, Woo Jeong Kim, YoungJoon Kang, Jeong Ho Kang, Sung Kgun Lee, Ji Hwan Bu, Seo Young Ko, Soo Hoon Lee
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2024;11(1):68-78.   Published online July 13, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.23.022
Blood failure: traumatic hemorrhage and the interconnections between oxygen debt, endotheliopathy, and coagulopathy
Jae Hyuk Lee, Kevin R. Ward
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2024;11(1):9-21.   Published online March 21, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.23.127
Trauma, Injury & Prevention
Relationships between trauma death, disability, and geographic factors: a systematic review
Bona Hwang, Taewook Jeong, Jiyeon Jo
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2023;10(4):426-437.   Published online August 1, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.23.009
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Frequency of posttrauma complications during hospital admission and their association with Injury Severity Score
Shayan Dasdar, Mahmoud Yousefifard, Mehri Farhang Ranjbar, Mehdi Forouzanfar, Hamid Mazloom, Saeed Safari
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2023;10(4):410-417.   Published online July 13, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.23.053
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Trauma, COVID-19
The impact of COVID-19 on mortality in trauma patients undergoing orthopedic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Husna Dharma Putera, Valentina Halim, Roselina Panghiyangani
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2023;10(3):315-326.   Published online May 15, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.22.403
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The impact of patient sex on survival after unintentional trauma in Korea: a retrospective, observational, case-control study
Seung Jin Maeng, Jongkyeong Kang, Myung Chun Kim, Han Zo Choi
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2023;10(3):296-305.   Published online June 2, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.23.002
Imaging, Trauma
The role of repeated brain computed tomography based on ultrasound monitoring of optic nerve sheath diameter after moderate traumatic brain injury
Mehdi Torabi, Amirsasan Mirhosseini, Moghaddameh Mirzaee
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2023;10(1):68-73.   Published online January 11, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.22.340
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Machine learning for the prediction of preclinical airway management in injured patients: a registry-based trial
André Luckscheiter, Wolfgang Zink, Torsten Lohs, Johanna Eisenberger, Manfred Thiel, Tim Viergutz
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2022;9(4):304-313.   Published online November 23, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.22.335
                        Supplementary   Web of Science 7  Crossref 5
Emergent use of a King laryngeal tube for traumatic intraoral bleeding: two case reports
Han Bit Kim, Sungwoo Choi, Seung June Min, Sangsoo Han, Bora Kang, Giwoon Kim
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2022;9(3):257-261.   Published online June 10, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.21.159
Current updates in acute traumatic aortic injury: radiologic diagnosis and management
Shivani Gupta, Atin Kumar, Tejinder Kaur, Shivanand Gamanagatti, Abhinav Kumar, Amit Gupta, Subodh Kumar
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2022;9(2):73-83.   Published online June 30, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.22.233
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Cat got your artery? Point of care ultrasound in the evaluation of penetrating trauma by a feline: a case report
Campbell Belisle Haley, David Mackenzie
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2022;9(1):63-66.   Published online March 31, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.20.065
Predictive values of the Pediatric Penetrating Ocular Trauma Score and the Toddler/Infant Ocular Trauma Score in Brazilian children with open globe injury
Gilvan Vilarinho Silva-Filho, Adriana Moreno Morgan-Kanada, Niro Kasahara
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2022;9(1):41-46.   Published online March 31, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.21.092
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Experimental study, Trauma
Secondary hypoxic ischemia alters neurobehavioral outcomes, neuroinflammation, and oxidative stress in mice exposed to controlled cortical impact
Se-Kwang Oh, Hyun-Jeong Park, Gyeong-Gyu Yu, Seong-Hae Jeong, Suk-Woo Lee, Hoon Kim
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2021;8(3):216-228.   Published online September 30, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.20.124
                           Web of Science 2  Crossref 1
Pediatrics, Trauma
External validation and comparison of the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network and Canadian Assessment of Tomography for Childhood Head Injury 2 clinical decision rules in children with minor blunt head trauma
Bo Sung Kwon, Hyung Jun Song, Jun Hee Lee
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2021;8(3):182-191.   Published online September 30, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.20.123
                           Web of Science 4  Crossref 5
Injury & Prevention
Factors associated with injury severity among users of powered mobility devices
Suk Won Choi, Jae-Hyug Woo, Sung Youl Hyun, Jae Ho Jang, Woo Sung Choi
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2021;8(2):103-110.   Published online June 30, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.20.078
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Injury & Prevention, Geriatrics
Traumatic brain injury in patients aged ≥65 years versus patients aged ≥80 years: a multicenter prospective study of mortality and medical resource utilization
SooJin Bae, Sung Wook Song, Woo Jeong Kim, YoungJoon Kang, Kyeong Won Kang, Chang Bae Park, Jeong Ho Kang, Ji Hwan Bu, Sung Kgun Lee, Seo Young Ko
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2021;8(2):94-102.   Published online June 30, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.20.045
                           Web of Science 9  Crossref 8
Management of intractable oronasal bleeding using Sengstaken-Blakemore tubes in patients with facial trauma: a case series and technical notes
Gi Woon Kim, Sangchun Choi, Sangsoo Han, Younghwan Lee, Bora Kang, Yoon Seok Jung
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2021;8(1):65-70.   Published online March 31, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.20.079
Injury & Prevention, Epidemiology
Trampoline-related injuries in children: a nationwide cross-sectional study in South Korea
Geonmoo Lee, Do Kyun Kim, Joong Wan Park, Young Ho Kwak, Jae Yun Jung
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2020;7(3):190-196.   Published online September 30, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.19.060
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Risk of injury after emergency department visit for acute peripheral vertigo: a matched-cohort study
Hayoung Kim, Sihyoung Lee, Joonghee Kim
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2020;7(3):176-182.   Published online September 30, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.19.064
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Comparative and retrospective evaluation of the predictive performance of optic nerve sheath thickness and optic nerve sheath diameter for traumatic brain injury using facial computed tomography
Woo Sung Sim, Sun Hwa Lee, Seong Jong Yun, Seokyong Ryu, Seung Woon Choi, Hye Jin Kim, Tae Kyung Kang, Sung Chan Oh, Suk Jin Cho
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2020;7(2):122-130.   Published online June 30, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.19.033
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Effect of complement C1-esterase inhibitor on brain edema and inflammation after mild traumatic brain injury in an animal model
Eric Weiss, Teena Dhir, Abigail Collett, Michal Reola, Mark Kaplan, Corrado Minimo, Laurel Omert, Pak Leung
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2020;7(2):87-94.   Published online June 30, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.19.050
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Comparison of traumatic brain injury patients with brain computed tomography in the emergency department by age group
Kwang Real Huh, Jung-Youn Kim, Sung-Hyuk Choi, Young-Hoon Yoon, Sung Jun Park, Eu Sun Lee
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2020;7(2):81-86.   Published online June 30, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.19.076
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Resuscitation, Trauma
Prognostic factors related with outcomes in traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients without prehospital return of spontaneous circulation: a nationwide observational study
Gwang Soo Jun, Jae Guk Kim, Hyun Young Choi, Gu Hyun Kang, Wonhee Kim, Yong Soo Jang, Hyun Tae Kim
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2020;7(1):14-20.   Published online March 31, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.19.057
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Damage control resuscitation
Evan Leibner, Mark Andreae, Samuel M. Galvagno, Thomas Scalea
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2020;7(1):5-13.   Published online March 31, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.19.089
                           Web of Science 37  Crossref 39
Trauma, Imaging
Higher enhanced computed tomography attenuation value of the aorta is a predictor of massive transfusion in blunt trauma patients
Tetsuya Yumoto, Hiromi Ihoriya, Ryo Tanabe, Hiromichi Naito, Atsunori Nakao
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2019;6(4):330-339.   Published online December 31, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.18.090
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Unilateral loss of thoracic motion after blunt trauma: a sign of acute Brown-Séquard syndrome
Mizuki Sato, Akira Kuriyama, Ryo Ohtomo
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2019;6(3):268-271.   Published online September 30, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.19.010
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Trauma, Emergency Medical Services
New prehospital scoring system for traumatic brain injury to predict mortality and severe disability using motor Glasgow Coma Scale, hypotension, and hypoxia: a nationwide observational study
Min Chul Gang, Ki Jeong Hong, Sang Do Shin, Kyoung Jun Song, Young Sun Ro, Tae Han Kim, Jeong Ho Park, Joo Jeong
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2019;6(2):152-159.   Published online June 28, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.18.027
                           Web of Science 7  Crossref 9
Experimental study, Trauma
Exploratory, cognitive, and depressive-like behaviors in adult and pediatric mice exposed to controlled cortical impact
Suk-Woo Lee, Mun-Sun Jang, Seong-Hae Jeong, Hoon Kim
Clin Exp Emerg Med. 2019;6(2):125-137.   Published online June 28, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15441/ceem.18.019
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