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Checklist before Submission

Authors have written the manuscript in compliance with Instructions to Authors (https://www.ceemjournal.org/authors/authors.php) and Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (https://www.icmje.org/recommendations/) from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, and the Guideline of Committee on Publication Ethics (https://publicationethics.org).
Authors have omitted names and organizations in the manuscript submitted for review.
The title page should include the title; authors’ names and academic degrees, affiliations; corresponding author(s)’ name(s) and contact information; ORCID; conflict of interest statement, funding, and/or acknowledgments; running title; and capsule summary.
The running title should be no longer than 50 characters (including spaces and punctuation).
The abstract should be divided into Object, Methods, Results, and Conclusion, and should not exceed 250 words for original research and systematic reviews. For clinical reviews and case reports, the abstracts should be within 200 and 150 words, respectively, in a single paragraph whose structure is up to author’s discretion. Please refer to the Instructions to Authors for other types of articles.
The abstract should be included in the manuscript, regardless of whether it is included in the submission system.
Three to five keywords should be included (those recommended in MeSH; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh).
Information regarding approval of an Institutional Review Board and obtaining informed consent should be mentioned in the Methods section.
The number of references is limited to 50 (for original research and study protocols) or 15 (for case reports). Please refer to the Instructions to Authors for other types of articles.
Each figure should be uploaded as a separate file and should not be included in the main text. The file name of each figure should be the figure number.
Figures must be prepared in no less than 300 dpi.
All authors have completed the Copyright Transfer Agreement and Conflict of Interest forms.
The authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holder to reprint any previously published material in CEEM.

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Journal Impact Factor 1.9
SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Publishing timeline

Editorial decision
7 Days

Review time
35 Days

Acceptance to publication
47 Days

* Last 12 months

PubMed Central
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